Crane Payment Solutions
We are one of the largest single suppliers of bill, coin, and associated solutions that compete with the best available for the gaming, retail, transportation, and vending markets. Innovation, quality and reliability are all important factors in designing and producing our complete product line.

Coin Payment
Our validation products are built for various footprints, speeds, and environmental requirements. This is possible with the largest selection of payment devices available from a single supplier. We have teams of engineers to keep our products current with all new coins released around the globe.Click to see Coin Payment

Bill Payment
We provide high security validation technology integrated into all our bill validators and recyclers. Our industry leading products are built for various footprints, speeds and environmental requirements from casino gaming and quick-sale vending to on-street parking and all applications in between.Click to see Bill Payment

Cashless Payment
Complimentary to our bill and coin payment products, Crane Payment Solutions provides powerful private and public cashless systems used in various environments for automated machines.Click to see Cashless Payment

Integration & Management
The area of product integration shows Crane Payment Solutions’ innovation at its very best. Whether it is one of the PayLink systems that make it easier to bring PC-based machines to market; the development of industry standard protocol ccTalk; or a custom solution to meet your needs, we deliver.